Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This is serious talk so if you don't want to read seriousness, then skip this one. :)
Sometimes I wonder. I wonder about myself, I wonder about the people close to me, I wonder about complete strangers.

Sometimes I wonder about how much of a difference there would be in me if I was born somewhere else or raised in a different way. Would I be smarter or less so? Would I be more happy or not even close? Those types of things I wonder about myself. Also, would those differences make me a better person?

Sometimes I wonder about the people closest to me, my family. I love them and wish I knew more of them so I can't help but wonder about them. Like, if I had grown up with them would they be different? Would they not be the way are, a better group of family. (*I don't expect to much of them and no family is perfect.) How do they feel about me and aside from me, themselves? Are they happy with their lives and do they wonder about themselves as I do?

I often times wonder about others. That person who just walked across the street who I am bound to never lay eyes on again. I wonder, are they happy? Would things be different for them if they were born somewhere else? If everything in their lives were flipped around would they be walking down the street as they are at this exact moment?
Sometimes I wonder about too many things and it's darn near close to driving me crazy. People say that the best thing an introvert can do is accept their solitude. I've been trying, but it starting to sound like it's another way to say 'accept that you are going crazy my friend'. If you know what I mean when I say solitude I mean that moment when all you do is think, think, and think some more. Often times you are thinking about something negative. That negative for me is the whole government thing is which is why I am completely stupid when people talk about politics. (*I would be setting myself up for failure if I got in to a political debate, not to mention I would get butt hurt should they say something completely out of line.)

Now don't get me wrong. There are times when I think about that hilarious moment some years ago. Don't go thinking I'm the most pessimistic person. It's just that when those times come, they come bad.

I just felt like being serious and there is no better way for me to express myself than through writing. If I were to tell this verbally then it would make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Well, I've got to study because....well, I gotta study. :3

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Monday, September 10, 2012


Okay...so I have been sooooo busy, it's ridiculous. Class work and study is no joke. Then, unfortunately my temporary job has ended but I might be called in for what they call "buy backs". It is highly unlikely though. Just studying is enough for me, but I have to have a job. My friend told me that once you start you'll always want to have a job. That is so true.
Since I am so busy it has really changed up my sleeping pattern. I'll wake up around 3am in the morning and be half asleep half awake until my alarm goes off at 6:15am. I then stay up at the school just about all day. Maybe about 6:45pm and I have to ride my bike home. That ride is a good hour long. Once I get home I am pretty tired and all I want to do is shower and knock out but for some odd reason I won't go to sleep. (*I'm thinking it's because my mom leaves at 10pm to go to work and I have to be up to lock the door.) Even after that I'm still not going to sleep. It's really strange. Gowns it possible that I can stay up for a long when I am tired and still wake up, automatically, at 3am? And then do it again the next day? I don't know.
I've been dealing with some other stuff too. That's for another post though.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


So...yesterday I got myself a new phone as a birthday present to myself. (*My birthda]y isn`t until tomorrow though, the 3rd.)
This phone is pretty awesome! It`s a android smartphone. My first smartphone too. (*This is my third phone in my life so far. My first phone was broken at a football game and my second one was replaced with this new one.)
To be honest I would have never gotten a new phone if I didn`t need one. That old one wasn`t working properly at all. It only let me take pictures when it felt like it. When I would try to go to my music/ringtones it wouldn`t let me. A lot of times the thing would freeze up and just shut off. I delt with it like that for most of the time I had it which was about four years.
Now that I`ve got this new phone and I am saying that I will never buy another phone, I`m wondering if that is true. Technology is always changing and it always gets better with each change. When I got my old phone it was new. People liked the phone, just as I had, and I still see people with that exact same phone.
I just wonder about how technology and all those types of things.
Well, this post wasn`t about much. I just wanted to write a blog on my new phone. I`ve been so bored and have studying to do. (*I don`t think bored and study should be in the same sentence.)
Since I can`t see too much on here I can`t put my little ending signature.