Monday, September 10, 2012


~~~~~ I have been sooooo busy, it's ridiculous. Class work and study is no joke. Then, unfortunately my temporary job has ended but I might be called in for what they call "buy backs". It is highly unlikely though. Just studying is enough for me, but I have to have a job. My friend told me that once you start you'll always want to have a job. That is so true.
Since I am so busy it has really changed up my sleeping pattern. I'll wake up around 3am in the morning and be half asleep half awake until my alarm goes off at 6:15am. I then stay up at the school just about all day. Maybe about 6:45pm and I have to ride my bike home. That ride is a good hour long. Once I get home I am pretty tired and all I want to do is shower and knock out but for some odd reason I won't go to sleep. (*I'm thinking it's because my mom leaves at 10pm to go to work and I have to be up to lock the door.) Even after that I'm still not going to sleep. It's really strange. Gowns it possible that I can stay up for a long when I am tired and still wake up, automatically, at 3am? And then do it again the next day? I don't know.
I've been dealing with some other stuff too. That's for another post though.

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