Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey, so I have been thinking. Doing a lot of thinking like I'm always doing. Lately the topic has been on my goals. Whenever people ask me what my goals are it seems like I don't know, but when I'm just doing whatever it is I do I know that I have a plan.
I have my big goal set to be finished in the next three years. That goal is to go in to the military. Yeah, I want to go in to the military. A lot of people give me the side eye when I tell them that's what I want to do. My mother was all for it since she was in the military, but when I told my other family members they were not having it. (*Their strong disapproval moved away from the idea for a little while. I decided to tell them that I wasn't going to, but I'm secretly working towards it. I understand they worry for me, but it's okay.)

Honestly, for people who know how getting in to the military works they know that I could have been joined the military. But for what I want to do in the military you need to score high and having a two year degree gives me a better chance of getting that position. I've got a good strategy here. My main job is going to be science related and that side deal is going to be anthropology. (*Or vise verse...this is what's stomping me right now.) This is the big goal I am working towards in the next two or three years.

In order to do that I need to get the two year degree. I'm in a community college right now but the bad part is that they aren't offering the specific degree I need. I'm so lucky that I have a way of getting around this negative. Luckily for me my grandmother lives in California where there is a community college not far from her that I can attend. (*Not only is the location good, but I did a lot of research and comparisons between the two colleges. The one in California is WAY better than the one I am currently attending.)

That's pretty much it for the three years. Besides holding a steady job of course to do the things I want to save up for in the far future.
There are of course a whole lot of other things I want to do in the future. Things such as getting an internship across seas, learn two or three other languages, live in ____ country for ____ amount if years. These things just aren't in any particular order yet. Once I've gotten this military goal out of the way then I will deal with them later.

It really feels good to be able to see myself doing these things with my life. Good to know that I'm not just on auto-pilot or in idle mode.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

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