Thursday, August 16, 2012

How 1st Day of Work Went...

Okay, so my day is now over. It was very exciting and interesting. The day was a bit mixed and complicated because I didn't have my own code to work under my own name and start training. It was okay because one of the other girls who also started today let me switch of with on customers. (*I couldn't handle the money because it was under her name, but I did handle it a couple of times...You sly fox, you.)

Anyways, I started off at the register (*pause...I just had a dejavu moment) where I mostly watched another employee handle the cash register. It's pretty easy really. You just follow what the computer says. Pretty self explanatory.

Since I didn't handle the register too often I ended up answering the phone which rang, rang, and rang some more. I had to run around the whole store to accomplish what the people were asking a for. The first few people I accidentally hung up on. A couple of other times I was confused to what they were asking me, but for the most part the people who called were quite decent. The last lady was a handful though. I couldn't hear her because her words were slurring together I asked a few times what she was asking for and she started yelling at me. I don't do too good when people are yelling at me so I handed the phone to closest employee. Quite sad, but an experience I learned from.

The other employee who also started today was a lot of help to me. We do pretty good team work. There were some things we had to do with setting up the floor of the store. We had to put bottles on racks, straighten up rows, and refill the drink refrigerators. Normally on the shift we had there isn't really a break so went things got a bit slow myself and the other employee asked for a 30min. break.

Now this thirty minute break is where things get a bit gloomy for myself. Earlier when we first got there we had small talk and one question she asked me is where I was from. (*For some reason no one thinks I was born and raised in America. A few guys have thought I was from Columbia and some places of Africa. Last semester my teacher told me that I look very exotic and staff on campus always ask me if I'm a foreign exchange student. It doesn't bother me too much...I don't mind looking 'exotic'.) I told her that I was born and from California. I then asked her where she was from and she told me Guam. As soon as I heard Guam I told her that my ex-boyfriend is Guam. The conversation had ended there and was picked up on our break. She continued on with asking me about him and I specified in saying that he isn't from Guam, his dad is Guam and his mom is white. Then she had this look of familiarity on her face and I was like, 'Oh, no.' She asked me what his last name was and when I told her she was even more sure looking but asked his first name. I told her his first name and that took the cake. She was all like, 'Oh, he wears glasses right?'. In mind I was going 'NOOOO!!!', but answered, 'Yes.' She said, 'Oh, he came to our house earlier this week. He's my boyfriends cousin.'.....................silence..................DOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! I was completely taken back. 'Crap, are you serious right now?' is what was going through my mind. Then I let it go. It's not too big of a deal and she doesn't seem the type to tell my ex everything. But still, it was kind of odd how that tied together. (*If you knew the situation of that relationship, which was my first, you would completely understand my horror of knowing his cousins girlfriend.)

Besides that moment of complete and utter horror my day was good. My feet, back, neck, and thighs hurt like nobodies business but it's okay. Tomorrow I have to be there from 12pm to 5pm. So looking forward to it. Not looking forward to my bike ride to and from though. If only I could drive. (*Spaced out, gloomy look on her face.)

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

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