Monday, August 27, 2012


Today was the first day back in classes. YAY! :3

My English class is what had me thinking a good amount today. *Now, what I am about to type is purely my thought process. I didn't put too much research in to this, just about none to be exact. These are just thoughts of mine and knowledge that I already have on the subject.
So...let's begin with the extrovert. Simply put, an extrovert is someone who's personality shows in everything the do. They like to talk a lot and are risk takers. Most extroverts aren't too worried about what you have to say, rather they want you to know what I they have to say. They usually don't think about what they are doing or have done until after they have done it. In society they are more social and thought of to be the more successful people. This is just a little bit of what I know, observed, about extroverts.

Then there is the introvert. Simply put, an introvert is someone who's personality doesn't quite show in everything they do. (*Some would say that introvert is all there is to their personality.) An introvert is someone who doesn't talk too much and rarely takes risks. They are too busy thinking about things before they do them. Introverts rather listen than speak and when they do speak they mostly know what they are talking about or it interests them. In society they are not social and are thought of the people less likely to succeed.

I am introvert. When most people hear the word introvert they usually think, shy, quiet, not so smart, etc. This isn't true in all people. Personally I wouldn't call myself 'shy'. 'But isn't the definition of an introvert, shyness?' No, I wouldn't say so. Shy means that a person feels pressure when having to speak to someone. A shy person is uncomfortable when put in the spotlight. To a certain extent I am 'shy'. I don't like public speaking because I don't like people staring at me and that's uncomfortable, but if it's just a little group of maybe five then I can handle it....
There is so much to this, but I don't feel like rambling on and on because since I am introvert and have given this a lot of thought it could happen.

My question is: If it seems like introverts are more logical than extroverts who are impulsive, wouldn't that make an introvert the ideal person rather than an extrovert?

Honestly, I don't believe there is any definite answer and it there might be one already. Introverts and extroverts are good to have in any field of work. It makes the job that's getting done to be well thought through. (*Side note: you might even notice that in personal relationships you may be best friends or boyfriend/girlfriend to the person opposite of who you are. My best friend is my cousin who is an obvious extrovert. Also my first boyfriend was also an extrovert. Just something to add in.)

I know this might have been all over the place and made absolutely no sense, but I just had to get out what I could on this topic. It seems like my English class has obviously kicked off to a good start. :3

*And again...these are just my personal (introverted) thoughts.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

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