Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let the Games aka Class BEGIN...

Class...only some hours away from being the first one. I'm surprised at how excited I am. Maybe it's because I'll have something to occupy my whole day. Or...maybe it's the thought of being successful this semester. More than likely it is both.

So tomorrow is my first day back in a classroom. This semester is going to be filled with some ups and downs that I can see already. Unlike my first two semester I am a full time student and will be working part-time. (*The positive to the part-time is that, as I've wrote before, the job is on campus. No transportation worries.) My class schedule is actual quite simple. I attend classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, leaving room for me to work and study on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (*My work schedule is actually Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.)
Mondays I have class from morning to afternoon which leaves just about no room to work or study. When say from morning to afternoon I mean 9am to 6pm. :( The reason why Monday is a full day of classes is because I have a lab on that day which is 3hrs long. *BOOO!!!* But luckily that class is only one day a week so on Wednesday and Tuesday I have like a 3hr 30min break in between one class. That 3hr time will be used for studying. Of course I still have weekends to study of course. (*I recall my biology syllabus said that I need to study 12hrs a week to keep up with it.)
Today I basically laid around. I woke up early so that I could fix up my hair so I don't look crazy. I still need to finish that up before the day is over. Hoping I don't fall asleep because if i do then I will have a hard time sleeping during the night. Don't need that to happen.

Well, my first week of school is beginning...and next Monday is my birthday. Wow...time goes by so fast. <3

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

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