Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How long now...

안녕! Hi, it's been long!
Things are interesting and I'm coming up with new ideas everyday as to what to write. Doesn't seem like it though, right? I never write here about said ideas. I think what I'm thinking about doing would be a good idea because it would keep me busy. *not that college class work doesn't haha*
I just might do it, but I won't feel bad if it doesn't go right. ♡∩__∩

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Seriously Blog...

What is up? Nothing really. I've just been thinking. I want a start a website but I don't know what kind. I don't even know if I should seeing as this blog SUCKS!
It would have to be something really.good and something I keep up with. I'm thinking right now I want to do a blog or website for people who are in to fashion but have a strange way of showing it, like myself.
The only problem is that I no longer have a laptop of my own anymore. (´;д;`) My cat completely killed it. He spilled water all over it and it is no longer with us. I'm so sad. It was my baby and a darn good laptop. Now all I've got is my phone and iPod since I finally got a charger for it this past weekend.
Wow, I really drifted off there. So what should I seriously blog about? This blog is like a open journal/diary with no point really. Hmm. I don't know. Maybe I won't make one at all. Just stick to this. I'm not the type to keep up with these things. Oh well.
*man I can't put my signature *

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This is serious talk so if you don't want to read seriousness, then skip this one. :)
Sometimes I wonder. I wonder about myself, I wonder about the people close to me, I wonder about complete strangers.

Sometimes I wonder about how much of a difference there would be in me if I was born somewhere else or raised in a different way. Would I be smarter or less so? Would I be more happy or not even close? Those types of things I wonder about myself. Also, would those differences make me a better person?

Sometimes I wonder about the people closest to me, my family. I love them and wish I knew more of them so I can't help but wonder about them. Like, if I had grown up with them would they be different? Would they not be the way are, a better group of family. (*I don't expect to much of them and no family is perfect.) How do they feel about me and aside from me, themselves? Are they happy with their lives and do they wonder about themselves as I do?

I often times wonder about others. That person who just walked across the street who I am bound to never lay eyes on again. I wonder, are they happy? Would things be different for them if they were born somewhere else? If everything in their lives were flipped around would they be walking down the street as they are at this exact moment?
Sometimes I wonder about too many things and it's darn near close to driving me crazy. People say that the best thing an introvert can do is accept their solitude. I've been trying, but it starting to sound like it's another way to say 'accept that you are going crazy my friend'. If you know what I mean when I say solitude I mean that moment when all you do is think, think, and think some more. Often times you are thinking about something negative. That negative for me is the whole government thing is which is why I am completely stupid when people talk about politics. (*I would be setting myself up for failure if I got in to a political debate, not to mention I would get butt hurt should they say something completely out of line.)

Now don't get me wrong. There are times when I think about that hilarious moment some years ago. Don't go thinking I'm the most pessimistic person. It's just that when those times come, they come bad.

I just felt like being serious and there is no better way for me to express myself than through writing. If I were to tell this verbally then it would make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Well, I've got to study because....well, I gotta study. :3

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Monday, September 10, 2012


Okay...so I have been sooooo busy, it's ridiculous. Class work and study is no joke. Then, unfortunately my temporary job has ended but I might be called in for what they call "buy backs". It is highly unlikely though. Just studying is enough for me, but I have to have a job. My friend told me that once you start you'll always want to have a job. That is so true.
Since I am so busy it has really changed up my sleeping pattern. I'll wake up around 3am in the morning and be half asleep half awake until my alarm goes off at 6:15am. I then stay up at the school just about all day. Maybe about 6:45pm and I have to ride my bike home. That ride is a good hour long. Once I get home I am pretty tired and all I want to do is shower and knock out but for some odd reason I won't go to sleep. (*I'm thinking it's because my mom leaves at 10pm to go to work and I have to be up to lock the door.) Even after that I'm still not going to sleep. It's really strange. Gowns it possible that I can stay up for a long when I am tired and still wake up, automatically, at 3am? And then do it again the next day? I don't know.
I've been dealing with some other stuff too. That's for another post though.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


So...yesterday I got myself a new phone as a birthday present to myself. (*My birthda]y isn`t until tomorrow though, the 3rd.)
This phone is pretty awesome! It`s a android smartphone. My first smartphone too. (*This is my third phone in my life so far. My first phone was broken at a football game and my second one was replaced with this new one.)
To be honest I would have never gotten a new phone if I didn`t need one. That old one wasn`t working properly at all. It only let me take pictures when it felt like it. When I would try to go to my music/ringtones it wouldn`t let me. A lot of times the thing would freeze up and just shut off. I delt with it like that for most of the time I had it which was about four years.
Now that I`ve got this new phone and I am saying that I will never buy another phone, I`m wondering if that is true. Technology is always changing and it always gets better with each change. When I got my old phone it was new. People liked the phone, just as I had, and I still see people with that exact same phone.
I just wonder about how technology and all those types of things.
Well, this post wasn`t about much. I just wanted to write a blog on my new phone. I`ve been so bored and have studying to do. (*I don`t think bored and study should be in the same sentence.)
Since I can`t see too much on here I can`t put my little ending signature.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Today was the first day back in classes. YAY! :3

My English class is what had me thinking a good amount today. *Now, what I am about to type is purely my thought process. I didn't put too much research in to this, just about none to be exact. These are just thoughts of mine and knowledge that I already have on the subject.
So...let's begin with the extrovert. Simply put, an extrovert is someone who's personality shows in everything the do. They like to talk a lot and are risk takers. Most extroverts aren't too worried about what you have to say, rather they want you to know what I they have to say. They usually don't think about what they are doing or have done until after they have done it. In society they are more social and thought of to be the more successful people. This is just a little bit of what I know, observed, about extroverts.

Then there is the introvert. Simply put, an introvert is someone who's personality doesn't quite show in everything they do. (*Some would say that introvert is all there is to their personality.) An introvert is someone who doesn't talk too much and rarely takes risks. They are too busy thinking about things before they do them. Introverts rather listen than speak and when they do speak they mostly know what they are talking about or it interests them. In society they are not social and are thought of the people less likely to succeed.

I am introvert. When most people hear the word introvert they usually think, shy, quiet, not so smart, etc. This isn't true in all people. Personally I wouldn't call myself 'shy'. 'But isn't the definition of an introvert, shyness?' No, I wouldn't say so. Shy means that a person feels pressure when having to speak to someone. A shy person is uncomfortable when put in the spotlight. To a certain extent I am 'shy'. I don't like public speaking because I don't like people staring at me and that's uncomfortable, but if it's just a little group of maybe five then I can handle it....
There is so much to this, but I don't feel like rambling on and on because since I am introvert and have given this a lot of thought it could happen.

My question is: If it seems like introverts are more logical than extroverts who are impulsive, wouldn't that make an introvert the ideal person rather than an extrovert?

Honestly, I don't believe there is any definite answer and it there might be one already. Introverts and extroverts are good to have in any field of work. It makes the job that's getting done to be well thought through. (*Side note: you might even notice that in personal relationships you may be best friends or boyfriend/girlfriend to the person opposite of who you are. My best friend is my cousin who is an obvious extrovert. Also my first boyfriend was also an extrovert. Just something to add in.)

I know this might have been all over the place and made absolutely no sense, but I just had to get out what I could on this topic. It seems like my English class has obviously kicked off to a good start. :3

*And again...these are just my personal (introverted) thoughts.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let the Games aka Class BEGIN...

Class...only some hours away from being the first one. I'm surprised at how excited I am. Maybe it's because I'll have something to occupy my whole day. Or...maybe it's the thought of being successful this semester. More than likely it is both.

So tomorrow is my first day back in a classroom. This semester is going to be filled with some ups and downs that I can see already. Unlike my first two semester I am a full time student and will be working part-time. (*The positive to the part-time is that, as I've wrote before, the job is on campus. No transportation worries.) My class schedule is actual quite simple. I attend classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, leaving room for me to work and study on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (*My work schedule is actually Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.)
Mondays I have class from morning to afternoon which leaves just about no room to work or study. When say from morning to afternoon I mean 9am to 6pm. :( The reason why Monday is a full day of classes is because I have a lab on that day which is 3hrs long. *BOOO!!!* But luckily that class is only one day a week so on Wednesday and Tuesday I have like a 3hr 30min break in between one class. That 3hr time will be used for studying. Of course I still have weekends to study of course. (*I recall my biology syllabus said that I need to study 12hrs a week to keep up with it.)
Today I basically laid around. I woke up early so that I could fix up my hair so I don't look crazy. I still need to finish that up before the day is over. Hoping I don't fall asleep because if i do then I will have a hard time sleeping during the night. Don't need that to happen.

Well, my first week of school is beginning...and next Monday is my birthday. Wow...time goes by so fast. <3

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just Talk...

안녕!!! 저는 지금 바쁜니다...일해요... :(
한국 소개:
제 일음은 Eishalai입니다. (앴아래입니다???) 저는 지금 십팔살이에요, 이주 십구살이에요. 대학생이에요. 고양이는 삼살 있어요. 글들은 빠리 달여요...음악 좋아요!!! 사랑해!!! 글들은 저는 사랑해!!! ㅋㅋㅋ. 나는 시도해요....
*This may read as nonsense to people who understand Korean although I hope not. :)

Hi!!! Now I have been really busy...with work... :(
Korean Introduction:
My name is Eishalai. (*I tried to spell my name in Korean here) Now I am 18 years old, in two weeks 19 years old. I am a college student. I have three cats. They run fast/quickly...I like music!!! Love it!!! They love me!!! laugh. I try...
That was pretty much that. I want to start writing in Korean more. If I write more often and use those words that I've learned on a regular basis then things would be easier. I watched a youtube video of a girl who writes in something a journal in whatever language she is learning. She doesn't put anything in any specific order...just writing whatever really. (*That's why what I wrote was kind of over the place.) I'm thinking I should do that. Not so much typing it though. I just thought that I would give a try. I like physically writing a lot better than cyber writing, if that makes since.

I also am starting to spend a bit more time on traditional Korea. Everyone, who doesn't live in Korea or isn't Korean, only see the K-pop and K-Drama of their culture. Obviously that isn't all of who they are. There is way much more. Like every other culture they have rich values and practices. You only see or hear a little of this on mainstream.

Earlier today I was listening to traditional Korean music and it's some real classy stuff. The girl was playing one of their traditional instruments called a Gayageum. She was wearing traditional clothing of course, the hanbok, and had the hairstyle too. I believe she was playing the music for someone of high status. The music was beautiful; called Spring Snow, Zither music. I need to listen to some more and understand why they play this instrument and all that other good stuff.

There is only one legendary like tale (?) that I know from the culture. That is of Hong Gil Dong. The man who stole money from the rich and gave to the poor. (*I believe that it was said to be a true event of the past.) I heard about him in a song and proceeded to look it up. Then I found that they have a few movies/shows based on him and refer to him a lot in a lot of their media.

So much to learn...
I just remembered of other things I wanted to blog about...oh well...if it's meant to be then they will be blogged about sooner or later.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey, so I have been thinking. Doing a lot of thinking like I'm always doing. Lately the topic has been on my goals. Whenever people ask me what my goals are it seems like I don't know, but when I'm just doing whatever it is I do I know that I have a plan.
I have my big goal set to be finished in the next three years. That goal is to go in to the military. Yeah, I want to go in to the military. A lot of people give me the side eye when I tell them that's what I want to do. My mother was all for it since she was in the military, but when I told my other family members they were not having it. (*Their strong disapproval moved away from the idea for a little while. I decided to tell them that I wasn't going to, but I'm secretly working towards it. I understand they worry for me, but it's okay.)

Honestly, for people who know how getting in to the military works they know that I could have been joined the military. But for what I want to do in the military you need to score high and having a two year degree gives me a better chance of getting that position. I've got a good strategy here. My main job is going to be science related and that side deal is going to be anthropology. (*Or vise verse...this is what's stomping me right now.) This is the big goal I am working towards in the next two or three years.

In order to do that I need to get the two year degree. I'm in a community college right now but the bad part is that they aren't offering the specific degree I need. I'm so lucky that I have a way of getting around this negative. Luckily for me my grandmother lives in California where there is a community college not far from her that I can attend. (*Not only is the location good, but I did a lot of research and comparisons between the two colleges. The one in California is WAY better than the one I am currently attending.)

That's pretty much it for the three years. Besides holding a steady job of course to do the things I want to save up for in the far future.
There are of course a whole lot of other things I want to do in the future. Things such as getting an internship across seas, learn two or three other languages, live in ____ country for ____ amount if years. These things just aren't in any particular order yet. Once I've gotten this military goal out of the way then I will deal with them later.

It really feels good to be able to see myself doing these things with my life. Good to know that I'm not just on auto-pilot or in idle mode.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Classes Begin...

This is the last week of summer for me. :) I'm quite excited really. It's funny how when you're not in class you wish you were and vise verse. I already know that as soon as that first week of class is over I'm going to wish the summer had lasted longer. But that's okay....I think.
Anyways, there are still some things I need to accomplish before classes start. The biggest thing on my list is to get my books. I have to wait for my financial aid to come in order for me to get my books. If I had a bank account I would probably have it by today. (*I feel funny about having a bank account. If I could I wouldn't have one, but unfortunately you need one.) It might still end up in the mail today. At least I hope so because it would suck to not have my books on the first day of class. Especially seeing as they get right down to business.

I also need to roam around campus to make sure I know where all my classes are. Last semester I couldn't find my first class and was a few minutes late. (*I got confused because each building is for a different subject. Like they have a whole building for science and a completely different one for math. I was looking for my English class but instead of being in the English building it was in the math building. Really messed me up.)

Then, I need to get the hang of working at my job if I want to stay there past the fall rush. I really wish I would have gotten some amount of training, but I'll do all that I can. Since it's going to be pretty busy and I'm not completely accurate on the register I get to take people bags and hold it for them. Not really hold it with my own two hands, but in a designated area. That should be loads of fun. (*Not really.) Let me stop complaining. I am very lucky and blessed to have gotten this as my first job. Stop being pessimistic and be optimistic. The worse that could happen is that I wouldn't stay past the fall rush. The best thing about that is that now I will have some work experience to put on my resume' for the next job I apply for. :)
Well, life continues to go on. What an interesting thing life is.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Friday, August 17, 2012

Never Got the Book, Straight in to the Pan...

Some kind of down news this evening. Work related. (*It seems I can't get work out of my mind and it's only my second day.) It isn't too bad and it's a good, valuable learning experience.
So, yesterday was my first day and things were a bit jumbled. I didn't have my own clock in/out code so I wasn't able to use the register under my own name and ended up working under someone else's. (*I covered this on the previous post.) That day I only got to sell things. I didn't do returns, sell back, or anything that was beyond selling the items which they paid for with a credit/debit card.

 Now today comes around and we get the whole clock in/out thing situated and I can handle money and do all that great jazz. The only problem is that I am not going to be trained for it. All I got was a few times to watch everyone else do it which works for people who are visual learners and that is not me. I am a hands on/physical learner and nothing is understandable to me unless I am doing it with my own two hands.

Basically what my boss does is show me a few things on the computer here and there and leaves me to it. I'm all good of course, but since it's my first time doing I mess up a few times or just want to check and make sure I'm doing things correctly. (*Mind you...she already knows this is my first job EVER!) And everyone who has had a job and has worked the register knows how important it is to get that money right or it's a problem. After a few times of me asking her for help it started to seem like she was getting frustrated, but if I was given training then I would not have to do all of this. (*I talked to my mother about it when I got home and she said that it couldn't possibly be me that was the problem and that it was just the fact that she was busy. This is fact because she is running around a lot and most times it takes a while to find her if you need her.)

I was really kind of thrown off by that whole expecting me to do it without training. I get that a lot of times people like to just throw you in there, but that wont work for me. I am very logical person and I don't just do things just because it's what it seems like something I need to do. To some extent being logical is a good thing, but then it isn't so great for situations like these. In due time I will learn. You've got to learn things sooner or later and there is no telling how you will be learning it.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Bomb Korean Spelling Skills...

Alright, so right now in this moment I want to talk about my Korean language and culture process. It all really started a while ago...like 5th grade a while ago. In that 5th grade class we had to do a project on another country. I chose Korea because I liked the way their language was written and the women's traditional clothes, the haenbok. (*I also liked their flag which reminded me of the Pepsi logo.) Then for a while I forgot about my interest in Korea because at the time I was WAY more interested in Japan.

Korea came back to me to me like a summer or two ago. The first K-Pop song I heard by Super Junior (슈퍼주니어) called Mr. Simple. I absolutely fell in love with that song, music video, and of course boys. I loved the beat, the voices, and how so unrealistic those guys looked. Like something straight out of a manga book or anime. Then I heard music from 2NE1 and 2PM. I liked their music as well.

Then that summer when I fell in love with Korea all over again I watched my first K-Drama. I will never forget it because it was the best. The show was called City Hunter. (*If you are in to Korean Drama's and you don't know this show then you need to figure it out.) The main character is played by one of the cutest Korean guys I have ever seen. Lee Min Ho (이민호). From then K-Drama's have been the only things I watch. Just from watching them I have learned so much about the culture and the language. (*It's easy to catch on to the meaning of a lot of words since they use them all the time in every K-drama show.) I also watch Korean movies of course which are quite simple yet very intricate.

Yeah, so while I was watching my first Korean show, City Hunter, I was learning about the Korean language. It literally only took me like 3-4hrs to understand and have the Korean alphabet memorized. It was ridiculous how simple and easy it was for me to get it. Of course I learned that from free websites and I told myself that once I've gotten serious about learning the language, (*because I've tried learning Japanese and German in the past, bought all kinds of stuff to learn the language, but never followed through....), I would buy more things to help myself learn. The first book I got was from Amazon and it was Korean for Beginners. It only cost like $13, give or take a few $$$. I learned a good amount from that but I still haven't gotten completely through the book just yet. Then some months later I was introduced to Talk to me in Korean from someone I was messaging online. That website is AWESOME!!! I learned a whole lot more and understood the reason for why their language is written in the order it is and other such things.

Moving on to this summer, my uncle promised me that he would get me the Rosetta Stone software for Korean language before I left to come back home in Texas. Sure enough the last two days I was there he got it for me and installed it on to my laptop. He told me that I had better learn some good Korean since he went to all the trouble to get it for me. :) He said, 'The next time I see you I want to hear you speaking full Korean.' I told him, 'Well, I can speak it right now.', which of course proceeded to him asking me how to say various things in the language. I was so proud of myself for being able to answer him what he said in English in Korean. BOOM BABAY!!!

It has been a good few months and I am okay with the language. My vocabulary isn't big enough to understand EVERYTHING, but I do catch on to a bit of things and I can tell positive statements from negatives one to get the feel of what's being said. The only problem is that I'm very nervous about writing in Korean. I worry that I'm putting words in the wrong place and/or placing topic marking particles/subject marking particles with the wrong words. Stuff like that I worry about. But I'm okay with translating romanized in to Korean. I just sent a penpal request to a Korean girl and her name was in romanization which I wrote to her in Korean and asked if I spelled it correctly. Sure enough I did! I felt so accomplished with myself.
I'm still learning all about the culture. I've got some more understanding of the language. Now I need to try some more Korean foods. In a post that I deleted I went on and on about my first Korean meal in a Japanese sushi restaurant. It was called a Korean Bento Box which had bulgogi (불거기), rice (밥), kimchi (김치), Korean roll (김밥), salad, and oranges. It was pretty beast too. I wasn't too big of a fan on the way the kimchi was served because it was chilled. It might have been a lot better for me if it were warmed up.
Well, that's it for now really. Have to get ready my 2nd day of work. YAY!!! Getting more and more independent. I'll save my independence for another day and blog post.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How 1st Day of Work Went...

Okay, so my day is now over. It was very exciting and interesting. The day was a bit mixed and complicated because I didn't have my own code to work under my own name and start training. It was okay because one of the other girls who also started today let me switch of with on customers. (*I couldn't handle the money because it was under her name, but I did handle it a couple of times...You sly fox, you.)

Anyways, I started off at the register (*pause...I just had a dejavu moment) where I mostly watched another employee handle the cash register. It's pretty easy really. You just follow what the computer says. Pretty self explanatory.

Since I didn't handle the register too often I ended up answering the phone which rang, rang, and rang some more. I had to run around the whole store to accomplish what the people were asking a for. The first few people I accidentally hung up on. A couple of other times I was confused to what they were asking me, but for the most part the people who called were quite decent. The last lady was a handful though. I couldn't hear her because her words were slurring together I asked a few times what she was asking for and she started yelling at me. I don't do too good when people are yelling at me so I handed the phone to closest employee. Quite sad, but an experience I learned from.

The other employee who also started today was a lot of help to me. We do pretty good team work. There were some things we had to do with setting up the floor of the store. We had to put bottles on racks, straighten up rows, and refill the drink refrigerators. Normally on the shift we had there isn't really a break so went things got a bit slow myself and the other employee asked for a 30min. break.

Now this thirty minute break is where things get a bit gloomy for myself. Earlier when we first got there we had small talk and one question she asked me is where I was from. (*For some reason no one thinks I was born and raised in America. A few guys have thought I was from Columbia and some places of Africa. Last semester my teacher told me that I look very exotic and staff on campus always ask me if I'm a foreign exchange student. It doesn't bother me too much...I don't mind looking 'exotic'.) I told her that I was born and from California. I then asked her where she was from and she told me Guam. As soon as I heard Guam I told her that my ex-boyfriend is Guam. The conversation had ended there and was picked up on our break. She continued on with asking me about him and I specified in saying that he isn't from Guam, his dad is Guam and his mom is white. Then she had this look of familiarity on her face and I was like, 'Oh, no.' She asked me what his last name was and when I told her she was even more sure looking but asked his first name. I told her his first name and that took the cake. She was all like, 'Oh, he wears glasses right?'. In mind I was going 'NOOOO!!!', but answered, 'Yes.' She said, 'Oh, he came to our house earlier this week. He's my boyfriends cousin.'.....................silence..................DOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! I was completely taken back. 'Crap, are you serious right now?' is what was going through my mind. Then I let it go. It's not too big of a deal and she doesn't seem the type to tell my ex everything. But still, it was kind of odd how that tied together. (*If you knew the situation of that relationship, which was my first, you would completely understand my horror of knowing his cousins girlfriend.)

Besides that moment of complete and utter horror my day was good. My feet, back, neck, and thighs hurt like nobodies business but it's okay. Tomorrow I have to be there from 12pm to 5pm. So looking forward to it. Not looking forward to my bike ride to and from though. If only I could drive. (*Spaced out, gloomy look on her face.)

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*

The Last Hour...

안녕!!! It has been a long while and I recently deleted all of the posts from this blog. *I was in a not so good mood and decided to delete every post I made on here. Now I highly regret it. But, now I am starting anew and no matter how awkward or out of date my posts are I will NOT delete them.
Well, I decided I would start today because I am in a good mood. Today is my first day at my first job! Heck yeah! There are only a few more hours until I need to be there. I am very delayed on my getting a job process. I mean...I'm 18 and about to be 19 in like two weeks...and this is my first job. I tried to deceive myself in blaming on the economy, but that was just what I said it was, deceiving.

The best part about this job is that it is on my campus so I don't have to travel to a job that is off campus. Boo yeah! Tuesday of this week is when I applied for the job. I actually had to go up there to deal with some financial aid questions and to visit the career and planning center. It was just my luck to need to buy something from the bookstore. There was a sign that said they were in desperate need of employees for the fall rush, which is when students all come in to purchase their books and it gets pretty crazy. (*Luckily for me I got my textbooks from a textbook thrift shop like place. I've been to the bookstore when it's crazy and am grateful I didn't and don't have to deal with it.)

So yeah, I am totally excited to be going to work today. The only down side to this is that I have to ride my bike to and from the college. It wouldn't be so bad if the weather wasn't deathly out here in Texas. :'( *It's also supposed to thunderstorm today as well...complete bummer. BOOO! At this point I'm almost ready to say that I don't care if it's hailing outside. JK! :3
For anyone who read my old posts that I deleted before starting over; I am still doing the same thing with learning the Korean language and culture, hence the Korean greeting. There is so much I would love to write about right now, but I need to get ready for work!

I also wanted to add that I am truly grateful to God for all that he has given me. I always say it to myself, but feel the need to express it more openly. Thanks to God I have some awesome days, like today, and not so awesome days and have learned from all of them.

Soooo...until I have something else interesting to write about, you have read the *~Secrets~*